"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." — Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
As children, we often go along with what others say and do, driven by a desire to fit in and make friends. We adopt the nicknames and characteristics that others assign to us, often without realizing it. Fast forward to adulthood, and many of us find that we’ve morphed into the identities crafted by those around us or shaped by societal trends.
This pattern can continue for most of our lives until we reach a point of intentional awareness. I discovered this truth when I began to follow Christ wholeheartedly—not out of obligation, but from a genuine desire to know Him. In my relationship with Him, the veil was lifted, revealing my true identity as seen through His eyes, rather than through the lens of others.
Time and again, God unmasked the identities I had formed in my mind, exposing how I lived out those identities daily, often unconsciously. Isn’t it fascinating how this happens? Words we hear and experiences we endure can latch onto our personalities and habits like a leech, often remaining until we intentionally choose to release them.
The truth is, whatever we carry within us does not just vanish. We must become intentional about letting go of these false identities. How do we do this? Through Christ, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. To release what isn’t true, we must replace it with the truth. Our minds need the habit of exchanging lies for truths.
Are you someone who has experienced rejection throughout your life? Have you grown complacent, thinking that rejection is simply your norm? This is a partnered lie. God calls you "fearfully and wonderfully made," set apart and chosen—this doesn’t sound like someone who is rejected. It speaks to acceptance, time and time again, without regrets.
Do you often feel pushed aside or believe you’re not good enough? This is another partnered lie. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross proves you were good enough long ago, even with your flaws. You were chosen and loved despite your circumstances; you are worth dying for!
Friend, take a moment to evaluate the identity you believe to be true about yourself. Compare it to the identity Christ has given you. Does it match? Understanding who you are and whose you are is one of the most powerful realizations you can have—not only for yourself but for your family and those you love. The more you walk in your true identity, the more those around you will be inspired to do the same.
What identity do you hold to be true about yourself? What lies have you partnered with, and what do you wish to be free from? Bring these to God and release them. Heal from them. They are not yours anymore.
Father, help me to see myself as You do. Show me the lies I’ve partnered with and heal my heart. Replace them with what is truly real so that I can live in freedom, and so those I love can experience it too. Amen.