"Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way". -Proverbs 19:2

Taking my time in just about anything is one of the hardest things I'm learning I struggle with in my current season of life. As a wife, mom, business owner, and multitasker (it's not really a thing!), I find myself trying to juggle too many pieces and complete too many things, resulting in getting absolutely nothing truly done or finished. Can you relate in any area of your life? So many of us struggle with the false expectation that we are meant to do everything, be everywhere, and complete every task perfectly and "right on time."
According to 2024's current stats on Americans and anxiety (from the Zebra), 40 million people suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is considered one of the most common mental disorders and problems people have today. With various distractions, expectations, comparisons, social media, and "keeping up with the Joneses," individuals are finding themselves struggling with the one thing God wants us to have: Peace. In John 14:24, Jesus simply says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Just like we have access to the things that make us anxious, we have total access to the true peace of God.
For today's devotional, I want to encourage you to slow down rather than move too quickly. If you take time to reread the stats above, you'll see that moving quickly and putting immense pressure on ourselves creates something that doesn't align with God's purpose for our lives or our families' lives. Despite the season, the reason, or the hardships that may be going on, God still desires for you to breathe, slow down, and experience peace. Will you take the time to slow down today and accept the peace provided to you? I hope so.
The funny thing about God's peace and moving about at God's pace is that you will arrive at your purpose, the right plans, and steps faster because you didn't take detours; you followed the lead of Jesus and got there with His GPS. There is no need to rush the process you are in, my friend. I know it feels like you aren't succeeding, whether in business, life, or your current career. The truth is, your success doesn't come from the world's standards; it comes from God. This simply means that you are only running your own race with no one next to you. It's just you, what you've been given stewardship over, the people around you, and Jesus—that is enough.
Take a deep breath today, enjoy the sun on your face (if there is sun on your side of the planet), and ask God to help you slow down. If you have multiple things to get done, ask Him to show you what your focus should be today. Setting big goals and dreams before God is such an incredible and necessary thing, but learning how to be present and stand in today unrushed is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and those around you.
Prayer: "Father, I thank You for Your incredible peace and plans for my life. Thank You for never being early or late but right on time. Forgive me for rushing through my life and not savoring the moments right now. Help me to see You, see all You have done for me, and all You will continue to be and do regardless of what others are doing around me. Help me slow down, breathe, and accomplish what is needed for today. Through You, I will arrive faster and right on time. Amen."
Extra encouragement: Check out this song by Seu Worship called "Slower I Go" on YouTube.
Your friend and coach,
Zenobia Latona